Meet Our Floorplan Designer
Who Evolves Ideas To Reality.

Get expert advice and drawings for your home renovation or building project. Let our experienced building designer guide you through the planning and council consent stage.

building designer

Full-service building design & council consent submission

Before commencing any building work where a Code Compliance Certificate needs to be issued, plans of the intended work need to be submitted to Council. We now provide a complete design/cost/manage/build solution from start to finish.

What can you expect? – your initial meeting will with our qualified and licensed Building Designer, Quoting Manager and qualified and experienced Builder. Having all three skills in a single person is extremely rare, and so we encourage you to take advantage of his skills.

Nelson & Tasman Building Designer

We wish we had a dollar for every time a client has come to us with a set of plans they have had drawn up by an architect and have fallen in love with. The plans have been through the council.

They’ve started contacting builders for a price and have quickly realised it will be double their budget! This happens all the time because, believe it or not, the architect and the builder have never spoken!

building designer
floor plan designer nelson

Why choose us?

A Building Designer fulfils the same role as an architect without being on the NZ Registered Architects Register. Most clients find that paying an hourly rate rather than a percentage cost of the job provides them with better value for money.

In addition to submitting plans to Council for Building Permits, our designer is also able to file Resource Consent Applications and in each case follow the process through to Code Compliance Certificate issuance Resource Consent approval.

Building Designer FAQs

Yes, that is definitely part of the service and if you want that to be done on your behalf there’s a box to tick on the building design contract.
Definitely. Again, there’s a box to tick on the building design contract if you’d like us to nurse an application through the council.